Hello again! After such a long time, too. I've been back at West Point for two weeks and I'm still loving it. It's been hectic, fun, crazy, exhausting, enjoyable, rough, and everything in between, but I must say...it feels GOOD to be back!!
So, I got here on August 9th for the start of reorganization week. That night I put my room together and enjoyed seeing my friends after the summer. I am rooming with my good buddy Dan Baker (I roomed with him first semester of plebe year, as well. We were supposed to have another guy in with us, but he decided to bail at 0100 the night before I got there because another one of our freinds needed a roommate.) So, we got set up Sunday night and prepared to receive our plebes on Monday. Now that I am no longer a plebe, I have been promoted to a team leader. Now, it is my classes and my job to act as the first line supervision, disciple, correction, etc. for the plebes. So I can't just worry about myself this year, but I also need to manage my plebe as well. (That is what this institution is all about anyway....leadership)
I met my plebe Monday afternoon after he got back from a 13.6 mile ruck march after they had been in the field for 4 or 5 days. They SMELLED horribly, incredibly bad!!! It was almost unbearable to stand next to them. Even the upper classmen told us that we didn't smell as bad as they did. Anyway, I met my plebe...New Cadet Christopher Archer. Basically the whole week consisted of me helping him getting set up and ready for the new year. I helped it do what he needed to do and gave him some hints and tips along the way. When I wasn't helping him I was chilling with my buddies or playing video games on a local network with all my friends. I had a whole week with nothing to do but help my plebe and chill with friends! Quite amazing, if I do say so myself.
Classes started on the 17th. Ugh... My schedule isn't too bad. On Day 1s I have Russian, break, Physics, Calculus, lunch....Scuba, and then History. Day 2s I have Russian, Economics, Intro to Computing, Calculus, lunch, and then off... I am absolutely loving Russian so far. I have finally learned the entire alphabet, and I can read most words. We've even started speaking a little. It's sweet. Physics is okay...I liked it in highschool, but we'll see how it goes here. Calculus is alrite, as well. My instructor is awesome, so its a good time. Economics is a really interesting class. I like it because I can see the direct application on my everyday life. My instructor really knows her stuff as well, and she makes it very interesting. History of the US and IT105 are both plebe classes that I have as I continue to catch up. US History is easy (since I've taken it a few times now), but it is still really interesting. I saved the best for last...SCUBA!!!! This is definitely, by far, the most amazing class ever! (Boxing is a close second, though.) The first day I had class we had about 15 minutes of instruction, and then we jumped in with mask, snorkel, and fins. (Oh yeah, we're training in a pool). So, this week I learned how to clear the mask snorkel, we put on the BC (Buoyancy Compensator), and weight belt. This week we should be putting on the tanks. This class won't open water certify me, but it will eliminate about half the origianl certification, so it will be a whole lot easier and cheaper to get my open water cert. I can't wait to go back to my next class. It makes the whole week worth it! I've already begun looking for some scuba gear so I can get my own. We'll see how that turns out...
This weekend I went to my Bible Study leader's house for some food, fun, and games. I had a great time eating pizza, drinking soda, playing some Halo. I was talking to him about our small groups on Tuesday nights, and he told me that he is helping out someone else this year, so I have to find a new place to go. I have a few options, so I'm not worried. Also, I'll still be meeting with him once a week and going to his Bible study. I'm still trying to figure out what to do about a church service. We'll see how it goes.
After much deliberation...I think I might have figured out what I want to major in. One of my very good friends put it very well when I told them "I finally know what I want to major in!" Their reply..."what is it this week?" That is so true of me, too. I always change my mind, but for this week, I desire to pursue a Kinesiology major with a med track. I have always loved Kinesiology and it is what I originally looked at when I began looking at colleges with my dad in 9th grade. I figured I would take the med track to keep my options open, and hopefully I'd go to med school about 3 to 5 years after I graduate (I would like to be in combat arms first). I'm talking to an instructor in the department this week, so we'll see how it goes. Please pray for me, because this major is fairly new and they only select very few people...and this is one of the only things I have found that I like right now.
Well, I'm about to head to bed right now. I have a uniform inspection in the morning as well as an equipment inspection. Tomorrow will be a long day. Please continue to pray that I will guard my heart and mind and body, and that I'd seek God's wisdom for my future. Now time to hop in the shower....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What to do...?
As I was sitting around my house trying to figure out what to do, I was reminded of something that I have not touched in quite a while...my blog! So, now I am sitting here about ready to type and let you know some things that I have been up to with training and with my first few days of vacation!
Buckner, CFT (Cadet Field Training), Bucknam, or whatever you want to call it, was awesome! I just finished one month of some amazing training at West Point. I basically was introduced to all the combat branches of the army and got some time to take a look at what each one is like. Not only was the training great, I met some amazing people in my class and had great times with old friends as well.
We started out training with Day/Night Land Navigation. Basically we "wander" around the woods looking for some points, both in bright light and pitch black. I have to admit, stumbling around the woods in the dark is not the 'funnest' thing in the world, but it is an adventure. After that I had combat engineers and field artillery days. At combat engineers we learned different explosives to breach doors, identifies both UXOs and IEDs, and learned about EOD teams. At field artillery we learned to call for fire, shot mortars, and fired 105s out of Howitzers. It was pretty legit. I had a close call around the mortars, though. As we reached the crest of the hill, an 81mm mortar fired short and we had to book it. We were less than 25m from a mortar that produces a 60m kill radius. Thankfully it did not detonate, but it was quite an interesting experience. After that we had ITP or Introduction to Patrolling - a brief look at Infantry tactics. We conducted an ambush and react to fire. We also had two days of marksmanship with the M4 rifle and M68 red dot sight (which was absolutely amazing). This included a night fire with some amazing night vision goggles (NVGs). During this whole time, except for marksmanship, it poured! We were constantly cold and wet and it did not make for the 'best summer of our lives' as Buckner has been labeled.
However, after marksmanship, the last two weeks was quite sweet. We had lots of down time, after a very hectic (no rest) two weeks. We had a dry and water obstacle course, CQC (close quarter combatives), and mounted training at Ft Knox, Kentucky. At the water obstacle course, we had to walk across an I beam 20ft above the water and then go down a zip-line and drop into the water. It was awesome! Ft Know was legit as well. I got to ride around in some tanks and fire some really big guns! I got to shoot a 25mm canon, an 80mm round from an M1A2 Abrams tank, a .50cal machine gun, the Mark14 automatic grenade launcher, and a 240. That was fun. I also played 'laser tag' in tanks to get an actual feel for what combat in tanks is like. I'll just say it was like nothing I had ever done before. I loved it.
The last night at Buckner we had a dance and our class broke the dance floor. It was awesome! That is one thing that we will always be remembered for - the floor collapsing from underneath us at our Illumination! The next morning we ran the six miles back to West Point and then I left for home.
Since I've been home, I have just been chilling with the family. My buddy got dropped from Air Assault school up at West Point so I went and got him so we could hang out for a few days before he started his next detail. We just chilled, went fishing, went out for a bit, it was cool. When we went fishing, we fished for a while, but then just racked out in our canoe. It was such a nice day and it did not take long for us to pass out, and next thing I know we hit the shore on the opposite side of the lake. I took him back Sunday and then went mini golfing with some friends and hung out. Today, I've been home all day hanging out with my sister.
Tomorrow I'm doing something with the family, I just don't know what yet. We were going to go to the beach, but that's a no go, and we might go to Ricket's Glen. That'd be pretty sweet.
Next week I'm hopefully going to Jersey shore with a few of my friends. I can't wait. We have been planning this for quite a few months, well, just planning on going really. I can't wait to just go and chillax for a few days near the ocean with some of my buds.
I went to my home church this past Sunday...that was really nice, especially after not being in church for a month during training. I've really been trying to stay consistent with quite time, but I haven't been doing too hot. It seems that when I have the time to do it, those are the times it never gets done, but when I'm the busiest that is when I can find time for it. If anyone ever figures that out, will you please let me know. I really want to use this time at home to spiritually prepare myself for another year at West Point. As I look back on this past year, I can definitely see how I was broken down and tried, and I know that this year won't be any easier. Those of you who want to know how to pray for me, please continue to pray that I keep myself spiritually, mentally, and physically pure and to guard my heart. That is definitely the biggest thing.
Well, I guess it is about time I get going. I will write soon and thank you all for your prayers! Peace out...
Buckner, CFT (Cadet Field Training), Bucknam, or whatever you want to call it, was awesome! I just finished one month of some amazing training at West Point. I basically was introduced to all the combat branches of the army and got some time to take a look at what each one is like. Not only was the training great, I met some amazing people in my class and had great times with old friends as well.
We started out training with Day/Night Land Navigation. Basically we "wander" around the woods looking for some points, both in bright light and pitch black. I have to admit, stumbling around the woods in the dark is not the 'funnest' thing in the world, but it is an adventure. After that I had combat engineers and field artillery days. At combat engineers we learned different explosives to breach doors, identifies both UXOs and IEDs, and learned about EOD teams. At field artillery we learned to call for fire, shot mortars, and fired 105s out of Howitzers. It was pretty legit. I had a close call around the mortars, though. As we reached the crest of the hill, an 81mm mortar fired short and we had to book it. We were less than 25m from a mortar that produces a 60m kill radius. Thankfully it did not detonate, but it was quite an interesting experience. After that we had ITP or Introduction to Patrolling - a brief look at Infantry tactics. We conducted an ambush and react to fire. We also had two days of marksmanship with the M4 rifle and M68 red dot sight (which was absolutely amazing). This included a night fire with some amazing night vision goggles (NVGs). During this whole time, except for marksmanship, it poured! We were constantly cold and wet and it did not make for the 'best summer of our lives' as Buckner has been labeled.
However, after marksmanship, the last two weeks was quite sweet. We had lots of down time, after a very hectic (no rest) two weeks. We had a dry and water obstacle course, CQC (close quarter combatives), and mounted training at Ft Knox, Kentucky. At the water obstacle course, we had to walk across an I beam 20ft above the water and then go down a zip-line and drop into the water. It was awesome! Ft Know was legit as well. I got to ride around in some tanks and fire some really big guns! I got to shoot a 25mm canon, an 80mm round from an M1A2 Abrams tank, a .50cal machine gun, the Mark14 automatic grenade launcher, and a 240. That was fun. I also played 'laser tag' in tanks to get an actual feel for what combat in tanks is like. I'll just say it was like nothing I had ever done before. I loved it.
The last night at Buckner we had a dance and our class broke the dance floor. It was awesome! That is one thing that we will always be remembered for - the floor collapsing from underneath us at our Illumination! The next morning we ran the six miles back to West Point and then I left for home.
Since I've been home, I have just been chilling with the family. My buddy got dropped from Air Assault school up at West Point so I went and got him so we could hang out for a few days before he started his next detail. We just chilled, went fishing, went out for a bit, it was cool. When we went fishing, we fished for a while, but then just racked out in our canoe. It was such a nice day and it did not take long for us to pass out, and next thing I know we hit the shore on the opposite side of the lake. I took him back Sunday and then went mini golfing with some friends and hung out. Today, I've been home all day hanging out with my sister.
Tomorrow I'm doing something with the family, I just don't know what yet. We were going to go to the beach, but that's a no go, and we might go to Ricket's Glen. That'd be pretty sweet.
Next week I'm hopefully going to Jersey shore with a few of my friends. I can't wait. We have been planning this for quite a few months, well, just planning on going really. I can't wait to just go and chillax for a few days near the ocean with some of my buds.
I went to my home church this past Sunday...that was really nice, especially after not being in church for a month during training. I've really been trying to stay consistent with quite time, but I haven't been doing too hot. It seems that when I have the time to do it, those are the times it never gets done, but when I'm the busiest that is when I can find time for it. If anyone ever figures that out, will you please let me know. I really want to use this time at home to spiritually prepare myself for another year at West Point. As I look back on this past year, I can definitely see how I was broken down and tried, and I know that this year won't be any easier. Those of you who want to know how to pray for me, please continue to pray that I keep myself spiritually, mentally, and physically pure and to guard my heart. That is definitely the biggest thing.
Well, I guess it is about time I get going. I will write soon and thank you all for your prayers! Peace out...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Good Weekend...
After getting over a life-threatening experience, I am finally back! :) This past weekend, I went home to spend some time with my mom on her anniversary, hang out with my broha and sis, and chill with friends. It was an absolutely amazing weekend, and I didn't want to come back!
My mom traveled up on Friday to come and get me after I finished class. It was glorious! I only told my mom about coming home, so my brother and sister had no idea where they were going for a while...you see, my family does this thing called "pajama rides". Basically, my parents would just call out "PAJAMA RIDE!!" any random night we were just chilling at home. We would normally just leave in whatever we were wearing (most often pajamas or something of that nature). So, that is what my mom did for Isaac and Allie this time. So, she came to pick me up and we went home. It was absolutely great seeing them. I hadn't seen them for almost two months, so it was really nice. We went home and just chilled out for a while.
That night was my high school's graduation, so I went to go see some of my friends graduate. It was weird to watch it this time. I had always seen graduation as a student, and this was my first time watching it as a graduate. My buddy and I were discussing it in the back...we commented on how it been a year already since we were doing the same exact thing. The year went by so incredibly fast!! The speaker mentioned that one could never go back (referring to high school), and I must say that does not upset me in the least! I am glad I am finally finished with that and, now, my first year of "college". It was really awesome to see those of my friends who were graduating. After graduation was finished, I was able to talk to MANY people, and then I went with Steve to go hang out. When we went to go get changed at his house, Nick showed up, so we all went to one of the graduate's parties for a while. The food was good, and I definitely got my fill. We hit up Wally World because Steve's car was close to overheating and needed some oil. Then we played some pool to about 0200. It was great to just chill with them again for a while.
Saturday, I woke up around 0700 (after getting home at 0300). I went downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and visited with my mom. While talking, we decided that then was a perfect time to go pick up the grill that we needed. I went to wake up my sister so she could crawl into bed with Lil' Man, and we were off to Home Depot. My mom already had the grill picked out, so we just had to go snag it. We stopped, got some cappachino, bagels, and then picked up the grill. We were going to get an assembled one, but after trying for a while, we couldn't fit it into the van, so we had to get the boxed one (which I later put together). When we got home, we got ready to do what I came home to do - go canoeing for my mom's anniversary! It was a glorious day for it as well...We strapped on the canoe and traveled to White Oak pond (where a lot of people were already out fishing), and we got started. We decided to be extra adventurous this particular day. Instead of just me, my sister, broha, and mom, we added an extra 90 lbs. - my dog, Mac. That was quite an adventure. He was still most of the time, but he loved the lily pads and butterflies - enough to try to jump out of the canoe and tip us! Thankfully, he did not succeed thanks to my mom's iron grip. My sister paddled for her second time ever, and I must say she did an amazing job, especially since I just laid back and worked on my tan while I was supposed to be steering. It was quite a nice relaxing time, however. My sister and I did pay for our stubbornness, though, we refused to put on sunscreen and we are now paying for it dearly (especially when I started tanning!). We pulled the canoe out, and went back home where some good friends of ours were over helping us around the house. I finished putting the grill together and we chilled with them, played with the dogs, and hung out with Isaac. After our friends left, I threw some steak on our new grill (very, very nice grill), and we had a great dinner. That night, my sister and I headed out after dinner to hit up Sarah's graduation party. [Her brother, Rod, graduated with me last year.] That was awesome! I just talked to a bunch of people I didn't get to talk to on Friday night, and just chilled. Later, I went swimming in the pool. I tried to do some tricks like Steve, but utterly failed with two horrendous back flops on my freshly acquired sunburn. I must say...that hurt!! We also threw Steve's little brother (who weighs 60lbs) a lot. That guy flew!! It was pretty sweet. Steve, Rod, and I finished off our excursion in the pool by causing our front torsos to turn a deep red...yup, you guessed it -- BELLY FLOP!!! We nailed about four or five each, and, well, I'll just say that by the end, it hurt and i was as red on my stomach and the sunburn on my back! After getting dried off, Rod got a fire going and we just say around there for quite a while and chilled and talked. It was nice, I hadn't done that in a long time, and I got to talk to Rod about camping, because he's been able to go a lot, and I'm trying to do some when I come home, so I gleaned a lot of information from him. I left there around 2330, and headed home to see my mom just finishing up making fried chicken for the next day.
On Sunday, the Swingles followed up my family to go back to West Point early that morning. They got to see the museum, got a tour, and we ate down by the river. It was a blast. Good food, good friends, and good times. Bryan and I threw the football around, the girls played on train tracks. [I tried to get them to take a picture of the front of the train, but no one wanted to...I don't know why] I went to show them Trophy Point (if you come and visit me, you'll know what I'm talking about...) and there was some ceremony there, so while I'm trying to show them, some old ships went by and I ended up standing at attention and saluting for almost five minutes. That was...fun. [I had to go back, though, at 1830, and I started my last week of STAP.
This morning I had my last recitation, and I did Mark Antony's Funeral Speech from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. I got an A, so I was happy. Tonite, I have to write a report after I'm done with this...and since it is already 2200, I suppose I should finish this up and get started on that.
My mom traveled up on Friday to come and get me after I finished class. It was glorious! I only told my mom about coming home, so my brother and sister had no idea where they were going for a while...you see, my family does this thing called "pajama rides". Basically, my parents would just call out "PAJAMA RIDE!!" any random night we were just chilling at home. We would normally just leave in whatever we were wearing (most often pajamas or something of that nature). So, that is what my mom did for Isaac and Allie this time. So, she came to pick me up and we went home. It was absolutely great seeing them. I hadn't seen them for almost two months, so it was really nice. We went home and just chilled out for a while.
That night was my high school's graduation, so I went to go see some of my friends graduate. It was weird to watch it this time. I had always seen graduation as a student, and this was my first time watching it as a graduate. My buddy and I were discussing it in the back...we commented on how it been a year already since we were doing the same exact thing. The year went by so incredibly fast!! The speaker mentioned that one could never go back (referring to high school), and I must say that does not upset me in the least! I am glad I am finally finished with that and, now, my first year of "college". It was really awesome to see those of my friends who were graduating. After graduation was finished, I was able to talk to MANY people, and then I went with Steve to go hang out. When we went to go get changed at his house, Nick showed up, so we all went to one of the graduate's parties for a while. The food was good, and I definitely got my fill. We hit up Wally World because Steve's car was close to overheating and needed some oil. Then we played some pool to about 0200. It was great to just chill with them again for a while.
Saturday, I woke up around 0700 (after getting home at 0300). I went downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and visited with my mom. While talking, we decided that then was a perfect time to go pick up the grill that we needed. I went to wake up my sister so she could crawl into bed with Lil' Man, and we were off to Home Depot. My mom already had the grill picked out, so we just had to go snag it. We stopped, got some cappachino, bagels, and then picked up the grill. We were going to get an assembled one, but after trying for a while, we couldn't fit it into the van, so we had to get the boxed one (which I later put together). When we got home, we got ready to do what I came home to do - go canoeing for my mom's anniversary! It was a glorious day for it as well...We strapped on the canoe and traveled to White Oak pond (where a lot of people were already out fishing), and we got started. We decided to be extra adventurous this particular day. Instead of just me, my sister, broha, and mom, we added an extra 90 lbs. - my dog, Mac. That was quite an adventure. He was still most of the time, but he loved the lily pads and butterflies - enough to try to jump out of the canoe and tip us! Thankfully, he did not succeed thanks to my mom's iron grip. My sister paddled for her second time ever, and I must say she did an amazing job, especially since I just laid back and worked on my tan while I was supposed to be steering. It was quite a nice relaxing time, however. My sister and I did pay for our stubbornness, though, we refused to put on sunscreen and we are now paying for it dearly (especially when I started tanning!). We pulled the canoe out, and went back home where some good friends of ours were over helping us around the house. I finished putting the grill together and we chilled with them, played with the dogs, and hung out with Isaac. After our friends left, I threw some steak on our new grill (very, very nice grill), and we had a great dinner. That night, my sister and I headed out after dinner to hit up Sarah's graduation party. [Her brother, Rod, graduated with me last year.] That was awesome! I just talked to a bunch of people I didn't get to talk to on Friday night, and just chilled. Later, I went swimming in the pool. I tried to do some tricks like Steve, but utterly failed with two horrendous back flops on my freshly acquired sunburn. I must say...that hurt!! We also threw Steve's little brother (who weighs 60lbs) a lot. That guy flew!! It was pretty sweet. Steve, Rod, and I finished off our excursion in the pool by causing our front torsos to turn a deep red...yup, you guessed it -- BELLY FLOP!!! We nailed about four or five each, and, well, I'll just say that by the end, it hurt and i was as red on my stomach and the sunburn on my back! After getting dried off, Rod got a fire going and we just say around there for quite a while and chilled and talked. It was nice, I hadn't done that in a long time, and I got to talk to Rod about camping, because he's been able to go a lot, and I'm trying to do some when I come home, so I gleaned a lot of information from him. I left there around 2330, and headed home to see my mom just finishing up making fried chicken for the next day.
On Sunday, the Swingles followed up my family to go back to West Point early that morning. They got to see the museum, got a tour, and we ate down by the river. It was a blast. Good food, good friends, and good times. Bryan and I threw the football around, the girls played on train tracks. [I tried to get them to take a picture of the front of the train, but no one wanted to...I don't know why] I went to show them Trophy Point (if you come and visit me, you'll know what I'm talking about...) and there was some ceremony there, so while I'm trying to show them, some old ships went by and I ended up standing at attention and saluting for almost five minutes. That was...fun. [I had to go back, though, at 1830, and I started my last week of STAP.
This morning I had my last recitation, and I did Mark Antony's Funeral Speech from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. I got an A, so I was happy. Tonite, I have to write a report after I'm done with this...and since it is already 2200, I suppose I should finish this up and get started on that.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Almost over, baby!
Yo, yo, yo! I haven't written this early in quite a while. Y'all are getting a treat! :)
Anyway, STAP is going fine. It is incredibly easy...All I do is read books (which I already like to do) and write on it. Lately we've been going through poetry, though, and I don't like that at all. I just don't get why all poems have to be analyzed and have to have some "deep and hidden" meaning! Why can't I just enjoy them for what they say!?! Whatever, I'll keep analyzing and explicating...if I have to... STAP is done in 8 days! I can't wait. I'll go home for about 5 days and then head off to CFT (Cadet Field Training) for four weeks. I am so ready for that. We get M4s this year, plus we have all new equipment. This is gonna be amazing (especially since that is the main reason I came to West Point - to be in the military).
I've been working out A LOT lately...about 3 hours a day... I'm trying to get ready for Buckner (CFT). I've changed to more strength training, not so much on power (meaning lots more reps with lower weight). I've been trying to trim down and get the beach body (especially since I plan on going to the beach on the 13th with a bunch of friends). The working out part isn't the problem, its more of the eating, especially since I just put away 16 oreos in about 5 minutes...a total weakness. Oh well, my method of working out is...the more I eat, the more I work out. Not eating less. Anyway, I'm loving all the time to lift, but I'm gonna have to find some alternative come academic year...Probably CrossFit, an extremely high intensity, short workout...
This past Sunday I got up and listened to Mark Driscoll online. He was talking on Proverbs and the fear of God. I've really been struggling with my quite time lately, but after this message, I know what I want to do. I plan on starting a study of Proverbs, one that Mark Driscoll prescribed. Basically, it entails making categories and placing every verse that applies to one of those categories in it. He said that Proverbs is all practical advice, so if I have a quick reference, I can look up some practical advice to give either myself or someone else about whatever subject area they need. I thought it was a pretty sweet idea...
I really enjoy his teaching...a lot more than any church hear on post. That is when I got a brilliant idea, rather I believe that God was putting this idea into my head. I'm starting to pray about (and I ask if you would as well) starting a church here. When do I have time for this? I don't, but I'm thinking of making it quite simple. I just want to get a group of guys (maybe girls, but probably not) together (with food, or course) and listen to Mark Driscoll (probably, but maybe a few other pastors), and then spend some time discussing what he talks about. We could also go over what we're learning in our quiet time, have a prayer time, etc. Basically make it a really informal small group, kinda like the way the New Testament churches worked, (with the exception of internet and pizza). I'm really set on doing this for a few reasons. It seems as though every time I go to one of the chruches here, all I do, as well as everyone else, is go, sit, listen, and leave. There's no fellowship with other Christians (which I thought that is what Church was about), there's no challenging other than the preacher's message (if it actually is this week)...I think it'd be awesome to get a group of guys, definitely not closed, but incredibly open, but also entirely direct in the presentation of Truth. Holding eachother totally Accountable, challenging eachother, praying, and getting closer. I don't see that happening in any church here. It kinda happens at our Bible study, and the only place it really happens is at our small group on Tuesdays which consists of me and one other guy. Plus, I think I can get a few more guys to come to this than to get some to put on a uniform and trek to one of the churches on post...a totally informal but incredibly demanding (basically sacrificing your life) time. If anybody has any thoughts on this, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm open to any ideas or criticisms...Most of all, please pray for this...I believe this will really help me in my spiritual growth as well. God has definitely given me a heart for planting churches (hopefully later in life), and this may be my "sorta" attempt at it where I am right now...
I almost died on Tuesday. I love rock climbing, and I plan on trying out for the team next year. My buddies and I decided to go bouldering for a while. For those who don't know what this is, you basically climb small heights with no ropes or anything holding you in. We went to the Point, some cliffs by the Hudson on a trail. My one friend and I nailed a few different routes, none too hard, but definitely a challenge. We were only climbing about 20 -25 ft high. We started looking for some different courses, and we walked on this ledge with the cliff on one side and a very steep, rocky hill on the other. I found this amazing route. I got right to it. I looked up and saw the top only about 15 ft above the ledge, so it wouldn't be a problem, but I had to make it to the top, because if I had to drop down after about 5 feet, I probably would miss the ledge and go tumbling down the hill. After a while of slowly inching my way up the rock face, I made it to 15 ft, the top, or so I thought. As I looked over the lip, I realized that wasn't the end, there were about 10-15 more feet (it was slightly slanted inward, which is why i couldn't see it, and why it made it very difficult to get over the lip...). I had no choice to press forward, but from the start I saw that there were not that many holds. I made it over the lip, and I was about 5 feet from the top (20-25 ft from the ledge). My right foot was solid, my left foot was stable at the time, but I had absolutely NO handholds. I could not move forward! There was one hold in the rock six inches out of reach, but if I attempted to leap for it, I would lose my footing and fall, so I immediately put that option out of my mind. I started to freak out a little bit, my heart was racing, and my two friends were standing below me trying to help me (how, I don't know) the best they could. One of my friends took a trail to the top, to see if he could guide me from there...but it was all to no avail. I tried to move my left foot up, but I failed and I then had all of my weight on my right toes and a little lip that my finger tips barely fit onto. I then really started getting scared. I yelled at my friend on the bottom to run to to the top to help me out...I didn't know how, but he did. All I could think was, "Man, if I fall, its gonna be a long way down, its gonna hurt, and I'm gonna get seriously injured..." If I fell, I would have grinded down the entire rock wall with my shirtless body, maybe hit the ledge, and then continue down the extremely steep, rocky hill. I was not looking forward to that... Right as I told my second friend to run to the top, I attempted to make another move, and I lost my solid right foot and I couldn't find it again (it was just under the lip, and I couldn't see). At this point, All 180 pounds of me (yes, I weight that much) was hanging from my fingertips, but not for long. I now yelled at my friend to book it up that trail... Thankfully, the first dude up grabbed a huge stick on the trail for some wierd reason. When they were both up there, they lowered the stick down to me (almost knocked my hands off the hold, too). I took a breath, and, praying that the stick would not break, I let go of the ledge and grabbed the stick. It didn't break, thankfully, and I shimmied up as quick as I could. My friends grabbed me and I collapsed on top terrified. I got kinda upset because I didn't finish it, but I was glad to be on top... I can definitely say that was the scariest moment of my life to this date (the day my sister was born is a close second). My friends most definitely saved me from serious injury (if not my life). But, my buddy had the audacity to say, hey, i know some more rocks we can climb. I told him there was no way I was climbing any more today... Lesson learned...use a rope instead of a stick, its lighter and it won't break as easy...
Well, I've just got my two classes tomorrow morning and then I'm headed off to THE WEEKEND!!! I'm gonna head to bed now...Peace.
Anyway, STAP is going fine. It is incredibly easy...All I do is read books (which I already like to do) and write on it. Lately we've been going through poetry, though, and I don't like that at all. I just don't get why all poems have to be analyzed and have to have some "deep and hidden" meaning! Why can't I just enjoy them for what they say!?! Whatever, I'll keep analyzing and explicating...if I have to... STAP is done in 8 days! I can't wait. I'll go home for about 5 days and then head off to CFT (Cadet Field Training) for four weeks. I am so ready for that. We get M4s this year, plus we have all new equipment. This is gonna be amazing (especially since that is the main reason I came to West Point - to be in the military).
I've been working out A LOT lately...about 3 hours a day... I'm trying to get ready for Buckner (CFT). I've changed to more strength training, not so much on power (meaning lots more reps with lower weight). I've been trying to trim down and get the beach body (especially since I plan on going to the beach on the 13th with a bunch of friends). The working out part isn't the problem, its more of the eating, especially since I just put away 16 oreos in about 5 minutes...a total weakness. Oh well, my method of working out is...the more I eat, the more I work out. Not eating less. Anyway, I'm loving all the time to lift, but I'm gonna have to find some alternative come academic year...Probably CrossFit, an extremely high intensity, short workout...
This past Sunday I got up and listened to Mark Driscoll online. He was talking on Proverbs and the fear of God. I've really been struggling with my quite time lately, but after this message, I know what I want to do. I plan on starting a study of Proverbs, one that Mark Driscoll prescribed. Basically, it entails making categories and placing every verse that applies to one of those categories in it. He said that Proverbs is all practical advice, so if I have a quick reference, I can look up some practical advice to give either myself or someone else about whatever subject area they need. I thought it was a pretty sweet idea...
I really enjoy his teaching...a lot more than any church hear on post. That is when I got a brilliant idea, rather I believe that God was putting this idea into my head. I'm starting to pray about (and I ask if you would as well) starting a church here. When do I have time for this? I don't, but I'm thinking of making it quite simple. I just want to get a group of guys (maybe girls, but probably not) together (with food, or course) and listen to Mark Driscoll (probably, but maybe a few other pastors), and then spend some time discussing what he talks about. We could also go over what we're learning in our quiet time, have a prayer time, etc. Basically make it a really informal small group, kinda like the way the New Testament churches worked, (with the exception of internet and pizza). I'm really set on doing this for a few reasons. It seems as though every time I go to one of the chruches here, all I do, as well as everyone else, is go, sit, listen, and leave. There's no fellowship with other Christians (which I thought that is what Church was about), there's no challenging other than the preacher's message (if it actually is this week)...I think it'd be awesome to get a group of guys, definitely not closed, but incredibly open, but also entirely direct in the presentation of Truth. Holding eachother totally Accountable, challenging eachother, praying, and getting closer. I don't see that happening in any church here. It kinda happens at our Bible study, and the only place it really happens is at our small group on Tuesdays which consists of me and one other guy. Plus, I think I can get a few more guys to come to this than to get some to put on a uniform and trek to one of the churches on post...a totally informal but incredibly demanding (basically sacrificing your life) time. If anybody has any thoughts on this, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm open to any ideas or criticisms...Most of all, please pray for this...I believe this will really help me in my spiritual growth as well. God has definitely given me a heart for planting churches (hopefully later in life), and this may be my "sorta" attempt at it where I am right now...
I almost died on Tuesday. I love rock climbing, and I plan on trying out for the team next year. My buddies and I decided to go bouldering for a while. For those who don't know what this is, you basically climb small heights with no ropes or anything holding you in. We went to the Point, some cliffs by the Hudson on a trail. My one friend and I nailed a few different routes, none too hard, but definitely a challenge. We were only climbing about 20 -25 ft high. We started looking for some different courses, and we walked on this ledge with the cliff on one side and a very steep, rocky hill on the other. I found this amazing route. I got right to it. I looked up and saw the top only about 15 ft above the ledge, so it wouldn't be a problem, but I had to make it to the top, because if I had to drop down after about 5 feet, I probably would miss the ledge and go tumbling down the hill. After a while of slowly inching my way up the rock face, I made it to 15 ft, the top, or so I thought. As I looked over the lip, I realized that wasn't the end, there were about 10-15 more feet (it was slightly slanted inward, which is why i couldn't see it, and why it made it very difficult to get over the lip...). I had no choice to press forward, but from the start I saw that there were not that many holds. I made it over the lip, and I was about 5 feet from the top (20-25 ft from the ledge). My right foot was solid, my left foot was stable at the time, but I had absolutely NO handholds. I could not move forward! There was one hold in the rock six inches out of reach, but if I attempted to leap for it, I would lose my footing and fall, so I immediately put that option out of my mind. I started to freak out a little bit, my heart was racing, and my two friends were standing below me trying to help me (how, I don't know) the best they could. One of my friends took a trail to the top, to see if he could guide me from there...but it was all to no avail. I tried to move my left foot up, but I failed and I then had all of my weight on my right toes and a little lip that my finger tips barely fit onto. I then really started getting scared. I yelled at my friend on the bottom to run to to the top to help me out...I didn't know how, but he did. All I could think was, "Man, if I fall, its gonna be a long way down, its gonna hurt, and I'm gonna get seriously injured..." If I fell, I would have grinded down the entire rock wall with my shirtless body, maybe hit the ledge, and then continue down the extremely steep, rocky hill. I was not looking forward to that... Right as I told my second friend to run to the top, I attempted to make another move, and I lost my solid right foot and I couldn't find it again (it was just under the lip, and I couldn't see). At this point, All 180 pounds of me (yes, I weight that much) was hanging from my fingertips, but not for long. I now yelled at my friend to book it up that trail... Thankfully, the first dude up grabbed a huge stick on the trail for some wierd reason. When they were both up there, they lowered the stick down to me (almost knocked my hands off the hold, too). I took a breath, and, praying that the stick would not break, I let go of the ledge and grabbed the stick. It didn't break, thankfully, and I shimmied up as quick as I could. My friends grabbed me and I collapsed on top terrified. I got kinda upset because I didn't finish it, but I was glad to be on top... I can definitely say that was the scariest moment of my life to this date (the day my sister was born is a close second). My friends most definitely saved me from serious injury (if not my life). But, my buddy had the audacity to say, hey, i know some more rocks we can climb. I told him there was no way I was climbing any more today... Lesson learned...use a rope instead of a stick, its lighter and it won't break as easy...
Well, I've just got my two classes tomorrow morning and then I'm headed off to THE WEEKEND!!! I'm gonna head to bed now...Peace.
Monday, May 25, 2009
It has again been a very long time... I have been keeping busy with year end project, TEE (term end exam) week, graduation week, and I am now involved in my second week of STAP (summer school). So, i finished the year decently. I got all my assignments finished on time, smoked all my TEEs, and received decent grades all around. I am now taking English 102 for the next 3 weeks to attempt to catch up. After I get this class finished, I will have only four more classes to get complete. So far, my academic schedule for next year contains all of these courses. It's really not possible, so we'll see what may come of that. Right now, however, I am enjoying STAP. I have two 55 minute class sessions a day. One at 0815, the second at 1045. After only 3 days of class, we had our first essay due, and today we had a recitation. I recited the second half of Owen Wilfred's Dulce et Decorum Est. I really enjoyed doing it, and I thought I did decently. I already chose my next recitation to be "Death be not Proud." I'm looking forward to starting that one.
So, who really cares about summer school? Let's talk about the past few weeks...
TEE week is awesome, but at the same time, it stinks! I only have one test a day (starting on Saturday, skipping Sunday, and resuming on Monday), but the tests are 3 and a half hours long. For most of them, I did use almost all of the alotted time. It was insane. I really didn't think any of them were that bad, however. For my American Politics class, I just wrote for 3 hours straight, and I think I only stopped once to go to the restroom. After I finished my exam, I would go back to the room and just chillax for a few hours and study later on that night. It was great though, nothing was really going on, so I just slept, watched movies, and relaxed. My last TEE was on Thursday, and after I was done with that, I went to one of my friend's house in Pittsburgh. There were five of us, total, that went.
Pittsburgh was insanely awesome!! We got there on Thursday night after a seven hour drive...We stopped by Matt's house to drop off our stuff, and then went to his grandmother's for dinner (spaghetti, meatballs, sausage....all the good stuff). We then drove back to his house to get ready for a midnight hike (starting at 2200). We got into dark clothes to avoid being seen by quad riders and set out on our trail back to his grandmother's. Even though it was two miles by road back, we ended up wandering around in the woods for about 4 hours! We didn't get lost, we just enjoyed our time (Oh yeah....Matt's cousin joined us). Anyway, we wandered for a while, took about a 45 minute rest to just chill and talk, and then continued on our way. At one point we tried to go through this thicket, emphasis on the thick (with TONS of thorns too). Yeah, that didn't happen. We arrived at his grandmother's around 0200, and started an amazing game of RISK. Saunders (another one of my buddies) and I just chilled in two corners of the board while everyone else spread themselves thin...I then took over half the board, while he took the other half on his turn. We ended up calling a truce, because we really did not feel like battling it out. This game ended around 0530. I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday, and then went to bed until 1300 (this is friday now, mind you). We woke up, hiked back the fast way to Matt's house, and had an airsoft war in his backyard. After a few minutes of that, we went to take our first showers for we were rather nasty from the midnight hike. We decided to start another game of risk for a little bit, and then headed to the city. It was absolutely amazing! We walked around looking at the sights. Matt took us to the Point, where the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monogahela all meet. It was absolutely amazing. We all chilled there with our feet hanging over the water. It was absolutely amazing. We then decided to walk back to the car and drove to an incredible "hole-in-the-wall" restaraunt called Premanti's. We all ordered the same sandwhich (at the suggestion of Matt). Basically, they took a whole meal and shoved it inbetween two slices of bread - steak, fried, coleslaw... It was fantabulous. We then proceeded to wander the city a little more, we even witnessed an elderly man flipping over his handlebars on the street in front of a Jeep. We called 911, but he told us he didn't want an ambulance. It was still a rather terrifying occurance. (Whoops, i just went and played some ultimate frisbee with some friends and ran two miles, so I gotta remember where I was...). Matt then took all of us to the top of this mountain overlooking Pitt and we saw an amazing view of the nightline of Pitt. It was beautiful. Saturday we slept till about 1300 again after a late night of movies and then went to a them park called Kennywood. Sunday, we drove back to West Point to get ready for Grad Week. It was one of the most awesome weekends ever!!
Graduation Week, while everyone else was drilling and getting ready for the parade, I was starting my STAP classes. It was a really chill week, with just classes and closing out our rooms. Friday morning, the plebe class was recognized!! We no longer had to cup our hands, we no longer had to be silent outside our rooms, we no longer had to greet upperclassmen, we no longer had to use rank. I now can call any cadet by their first name and just be chill. I cannot tell you how great a feeling it is. Try to go through a day barely talking to anyone even though you see SOO many people, especially when some of them are you best friends, and then to have that reestablished!!! Oh, the sweetness of it. Saturday morning I was promoted, and I finally get to wear some rank - a yellow shield and a U.S. pin until after Buckner when I get a bar. It's great. Later that morning, graduation ensued. It was amazing, especially when they through up their hats. It gave me something to shoot for and more reason to do what I'm doing. I got to see the McLaughlin's since they came up to see one of their cousins graduate (whom I know). I went to her commissioning ceremony. It was really cool. Later that day, I moved in to my new barracks for STAP, and I've just been chilling in them for the past couple of days because all my buddies have gone their separate ways. Some have gone to air assault, others on leave, and Baker is going on a climbing trip! I'm quite jealous.
Oh yeah, since I no longer have PIAD last block, I talked to an officer yesterday, and I am trying to maybe get something third block so that I can knock out another graduation requirement. i'd like to get Combatives I and II certification. That'd be sick, but I really don't have a choice.
I'm gonna head to dinner really quick...i'll finish when I come back...
Now that I'm off Sprint, I've just been lifting and running on my own. I would love to get big, but I have decided to redefine the workout program to focus on more cardio and endurance because that is what the Army is all about. Granted, every time I walk into Arvin to lift, I rarely am able to accomplish this task because I end up lifting the way I normally did because I love it so much. As long as I'm running, though, I'll be good (I hope).
Bible Study, OCF small group, my weekly meetings with CPT Warren and JJ are all done now. I am now required to show my discipline by having quiet time every day, praying and keeping my focus on God. Those of you who wish to pray for me, this is the major area that I am desperate for prayer. I want and need to be consistently in God's Word daily, praying, memorizing scripture, etc. What I have learned lately, though, is something that CPT Warren and I talked about. We were talking about our four spheres of influence - friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers. When discussing friendships, he used the temple to illustrate the different levels you allow a friend in to your life, all the way to the Holy of Holies, which would be parallel to your innermost thoughts and feelings of your heart. Each level requries something different. The illustration caused me to look at many of my friendships and see where they stood, which ones were good where they were, and what other ones I might need to change.
For the rest of the summer... STAP finishes on the 12th, and I plan to go home until 1700 on the 17th when I am supposed to report back for FOB (Forward Operating Base) Buckner for four weeks of military training. This will include a preview of each branch of the military. I can't wait!!! It's gonna be awesome. I love the training. And, as I said before...I am trying to get something for third block if at all possible. We'll see about that. I really want to come home, but if I can get something...i don't know...
Tonight I have some homework to do, but not too much. I just have reading. So, I'm probably going to get going. If you look below, I have included some pics from Pitt and recent stuff...I'll try to write again soon. Peace out...

Me overlooking Pittsburgh at one in the morning...

Pittsburgh at night.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's been a while...
WOW!! It has been exactly one month since I last blogged...Does that tell you anything about how I've been? Yeah, I've been pretty busy, but I also just never took the time to sit down and write. I definitely had the time, just never used it for this. I'll try to be better about this.
So, anyway, I just went through probably the most hectic month of my life to date. I had four straight weeks of an academic nightmare. I had project after project due, paper after paper, and test after test. Thankfully, I'm done with my biggest project of the year - my American Politics paper. I wrote on the creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It was quite interesting, but the paper is also worth about a quarter of my grade for that course. Thankfully, I now only have two projects left, Chemistry Capstone Lab and a Psychology project (to analyze my goals and assess them according to the theories I have learned). Last is TEEs, Term End Exams, which start on Saturday, May 9. There is one everyday (excluding Sunday) until the next Thursday. It will be a very interesting experience, but I'm looking forward to finishing my semester, and my life...as a plebe!!! May 23rd will be an absolutely glorious day!
Phsically, Sprint was going very well. I moved to Offensive line and was really enjoying it, and then, two weeks ago on Friday...I got cut! I have no idea why, but it happened. Oh well, I look at it positively. I really wasn't sure whether or not I still wanted to play next year, so my decision was made for me. Now, I have LOTS of time to myself, and I'm lifting and running like crazy. My goal is to try out for the Climbing/Mountaineering team next year (my roommate from last semester is on it). I'm also trying to change my workout plan. I want to focus more on getting into "Army" shape - running and endurance. I still want to get jacked, but I don't think it's really in my best interest, especially if I wanna join the climbing team (I can't be haulin' all that muscle up the cliff :) ). Anyway, I also want to run in the Marine Corps Marathon next year, so I need to train for that.
I'm also taking boxing right now. I had my first of three end of the course bouts on Tuesday. They consist of 2 one minute rounds. You can forget form and all that - it becomes an all-out brawl, and it is great! I got a 91 (A-) on my bout, which is extremely good for that class. I was pretty pumped. Plus, I got to unleash fury on a fellow classmate. It is an awesome feeling to land a fist to face (Please, no body get scared, if you have ever boxed, you know exactly what I'm talking about.) I have another bout on Friday, and then my last one next Thursday. This is by far the best class here! I love it.
Spritually. I'm doing better in this area. My daily readings and quiet time have gone much better, but I'm still trying to incorporate it into every area of my life, and not "compartamentalize" my faith. That is one of the hardest things here. I usually just try to survive each day and make it through each thing, but I can't forget to apply what I read everyday to my life. Lately, though, I've been meeting with my small group leader once a week, going to Bible study on Sunday's, going to small group on Tuesdays, and meeting with a cow (junior) in my company once a week to disscuss a book on prayer we're reading.
Well, I have no classes tomorrow. It's Project Day - all the cows and firsties present their year end projects. I don't have to go to any of them, so its pretty much a free day. I need to use it, though, to finish up the Psychology project. I'll try to write again soon, and include some more stories about what I've been up to, but this is just a quick note for tonite. Peace...out.
So, anyway, I just went through probably the most hectic month of my life to date. I had four straight weeks of an academic nightmare. I had project after project due, paper after paper, and test after test. Thankfully, I'm done with my biggest project of the year - my American Politics paper. I wrote on the creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It was quite interesting, but the paper is also worth about a quarter of my grade for that course. Thankfully, I now only have two projects left, Chemistry Capstone Lab and a Psychology project (to analyze my goals and assess them according to the theories I have learned). Last is TEEs, Term End Exams, which start on Saturday, May 9. There is one everyday (excluding Sunday) until the next Thursday. It will be a very interesting experience, but I'm looking forward to finishing my semester, and my life...as a plebe!!! May 23rd will be an absolutely glorious day!
Phsically, Sprint was going very well. I moved to Offensive line and was really enjoying it, and then, two weeks ago on Friday...I got cut! I have no idea why, but it happened. Oh well, I look at it positively. I really wasn't sure whether or not I still wanted to play next year, so my decision was made for me. Now, I have LOTS of time to myself, and I'm lifting and running like crazy. My goal is to try out for the Climbing/Mountaineering team next year (my roommate from last semester is on it). I'm also trying to change my workout plan. I want to focus more on getting into "Army" shape - running and endurance. I still want to get jacked, but I don't think it's really in my best interest, especially if I wanna join the climbing team (I can't be haulin' all that muscle up the cliff :) ). Anyway, I also want to run in the Marine Corps Marathon next year, so I need to train for that.
I'm also taking boxing right now. I had my first of three end of the course bouts on Tuesday. They consist of 2 one minute rounds. You can forget form and all that - it becomes an all-out brawl, and it is great! I got a 91 (A-) on my bout, which is extremely good for that class. I was pretty pumped. Plus, I got to unleash fury on a fellow classmate. It is an awesome feeling to land a fist to face (Please, no body get scared, if you have ever boxed, you know exactly what I'm talking about.) I have another bout on Friday, and then my last one next Thursday. This is by far the best class here! I love it.
Spritually. I'm doing better in this area. My daily readings and quiet time have gone much better, but I'm still trying to incorporate it into every area of my life, and not "compartamentalize" my faith. That is one of the hardest things here. I usually just try to survive each day and make it through each thing, but I can't forget to apply what I read everyday to my life. Lately, though, I've been meeting with my small group leader once a week, going to Bible study on Sunday's, going to small group on Tuesdays, and meeting with a cow (junior) in my company once a week to disscuss a book on prayer we're reading.
Well, I have no classes tomorrow. It's Project Day - all the cows and firsties present their year end projects. I don't have to go to any of them, so its pretty much a free day. I need to use it, though, to finish up the Psychology project. I'll try to write again soon, and include some more stories about what I've been up to, but this is just a quick note for tonite. Peace...out.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I'm back
I just finished my first week back after an amazing Spring Break. I had a lot to do this week, and I got a lot done. It was a very successful week.
I had a lot of tests/quizzes/stuff to get ready for and take this week. I did really well on everything, I think. All my buddies and I were worried about our Math WPR, but it actually turned out to be really easy (thankfully). Right now, Zack (my roommate) is studying with another guy for a huge history WPR they have tomorrow. Thankfully, I don't have it. I do have many huge papers and projects coming up near the end of April. I have to start those quite early, like now, so it won't be as bad later on. It should be alright, though. I also met with the academic office to discuss my schedule over the next three years/six semesters. It actually isn't as bad as I thought. I'll probably take STAP next summer, and maybe the summer after to lighten my load, but I should be fine. I just have to be careful, because once I add my classes for my major, they will run over into a seventh semester. It's all very confusing, but I am a bit more relieved than I was before.
Football practice this week was the same as past weeks. Tomorrow, we start going outside; I'm really looking forward to that. I lifted with Zack on Saturday after Super Saturday 8 Hour Training (I'll explain in detail later). I took some of his Nitric Oxide, which basically gets you ready for a lift. I don't know if its a psychological thing or not, but I felt good about 15 minutes after I took that stuff. It's really hard to get a good lift in here because you are always tired, but this substance is supposed to increase your energy levels to exercise. Personally, I think it worked, I wasn't able to lift 500lbs, but even after an hour of lifting, I felt good. That energy (which is lacking here) is key to getting a good workout in, so I decided to pick up some of my own. I can't wait for it to come.
So...Super Saturday 8 Hour Training...basically we got bussed out to FOB (Forward Operating Base) Buckner and went around a really long loop with four different stations. I got designated to carry a rucksack (35 lbs), but it wasn't bad; we passed it around after each station. So, we half jogged, half walked the first leg, and did communications (radio) training. We walked the next two legs to the weapons and land navigation training, and we finished with medical training. For the final leg, back to the beginning, the BTO (Brigade Tactical Officer) ran with us back to the beginning. That was cool that he ran with us. I thought the training was interesting, though. The whole day was more of a ruck march/run rather than training, but whatever. After we had a BBQ with the company for lunch, and we had a Chicken and Beer (rootbeer for me) Party that night. That was fun. And I fit in lifting in there somewhere, too. Last night, though, after the party, I felt so sick! So did, Zack. That wasn't fun. I couldn't wait to get in bed.
Today, I slept through three alarms and missed Bible Study and church. That ticked me off so bad. I really was looking forward to going to it today! My Bible study this week was "Are you growing?" It was good; it focused on what kind of food (milk or meat) am I getting, and what fruit am I producing. Again, it really hit home on Quiet Time, which I am really struggling with. I could really use prayer in that area if anybody gets the chance (Thanks!). I also met with CPT Warren, my small group leader for OCF and Bible study. He is discipling me, and we went over the parable of the Sower and the Seeds. Oh yeah! An upperclassman in my company asked me the week before Spring Leave whether I wanted to get together with him to just go over what God has been doing in our lives and such. On Friday, we got together, just gave eachother a basic background of ourselves, and we are going to begin meeting once a week and going over the book "Too Busy Not to Pray" - which we both agree is an area of struggle with where we are. It is going to be awesome.
We had a thunderstorm a little while ago. I love thunderstorms!! There's just something about them that remind me of how mighty and powerful my God is! I love to watch the lighting and feel the thunder. It is one of the best feelings in the world.
This week, I don't have too much going on. My buddy, Standley, and I are getting up at 5:20 again to work out (I didn't do so hot at getting up this past week). Hopefully I can this week. Academics don't look bad either. Tomorrow, I have to pick up a Cadet Candidate for an overnight stay. That should be interesting. Hopefully we can give him a good impression, or a realistic impression (I don't know which is better).
Well, I have to go take a shower, read my Bible, and go to bed. I will definitely need the rest to be ready for this week. Here's some pictures of some recent events:
I had a lot of tests/quizzes/stuff to get ready for and take this week. I did really well on everything, I think. All my buddies and I were worried about our Math WPR, but it actually turned out to be really easy (thankfully). Right now, Zack (my roommate) is studying with another guy for a huge history WPR they have tomorrow. Thankfully, I don't have it. I do have many huge papers and projects coming up near the end of April. I have to start those quite early, like now, so it won't be as bad later on. It should be alright, though. I also met with the academic office to discuss my schedule over the next three years/six semesters. It actually isn't as bad as I thought. I'll probably take STAP next summer, and maybe the summer after to lighten my load, but I should be fine. I just have to be careful, because once I add my classes for my major, they will run over into a seventh semester. It's all very confusing, but I am a bit more relieved than I was before.
Football practice this week was the same as past weeks. Tomorrow, we start going outside; I'm really looking forward to that. I lifted with Zack on Saturday after Super Saturday 8 Hour Training (I'll explain in detail later). I took some of his Nitric Oxide, which basically gets you ready for a lift. I don't know if its a psychological thing or not, but I felt good about 15 minutes after I took that stuff. It's really hard to get a good lift in here because you are always tired, but this substance is supposed to increase your energy levels to exercise. Personally, I think it worked, I wasn't able to lift 500lbs, but even after an hour of lifting, I felt good. That energy (which is lacking here) is key to getting a good workout in, so I decided to pick up some of my own. I can't wait for it to come.
So...Super Saturday 8 Hour Training...basically we got bussed out to FOB (Forward Operating Base) Buckner and went around a really long loop with four different stations. I got designated to carry a rucksack (35 lbs), but it wasn't bad; we passed it around after each station. So, we half jogged, half walked the first leg, and did communications (radio) training. We walked the next two legs to the weapons and land navigation training, and we finished with medical training. For the final leg, back to the beginning, the BTO (Brigade Tactical Officer) ran with us back to the beginning. That was cool that he ran with us. I thought the training was interesting, though. The whole day was more of a ruck march/run rather than training, but whatever. After we had a BBQ with the company for lunch, and we had a Chicken and Beer (rootbeer for me) Party that night. That was fun. And I fit in lifting in there somewhere, too. Last night, though, after the party, I felt so sick! So did, Zack. That wasn't fun. I couldn't wait to get in bed.
Today, I slept through three alarms and missed Bible Study and church. That ticked me off so bad. I really was looking forward to going to it today! My Bible study this week was "Are you growing?" It was good; it focused on what kind of food (milk or meat) am I getting, and what fruit am I producing. Again, it really hit home on Quiet Time, which I am really struggling with. I could really use prayer in that area if anybody gets the chance (Thanks!). I also met with CPT Warren, my small group leader for OCF and Bible study. He is discipling me, and we went over the parable of the Sower and the Seeds. Oh yeah! An upperclassman in my company asked me the week before Spring Leave whether I wanted to get together with him to just go over what God has been doing in our lives and such. On Friday, we got together, just gave eachother a basic background of ourselves, and we are going to begin meeting once a week and going over the book "Too Busy Not to Pray" - which we both agree is an area of struggle with where we are. It is going to be awesome.
We had a thunderstorm a little while ago. I love thunderstorms!! There's just something about them that remind me of how mighty and powerful my God is! I love to watch the lighting and feel the thunder. It is one of the best feelings in the world.
This week, I don't have too much going on. My buddy, Standley, and I are getting up at 5:20 again to work out (I didn't do so hot at getting up this past week). Hopefully I can this week. Academics don't look bad either. Tomorrow, I have to pick up a Cadet Candidate for an overnight stay. That should be interesting. Hopefully we can give him a good impression, or a realistic impression (I don't know which is better).
Well, I have to go take a shower, read my Bible, and go to bed. I will definitely need the rest to be ready for this week. Here's some pictures of some recent events:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
This Post is for You
(The person who this title is meant for knows it because I have been constantly bugged to post something!)
I'm on my last day of Spring Break. Where has all the time gone!?! I'm just about to head off to church at 0915 and I'm leaving at 1500. I have had an amazing break. I know I haven't written in a while, so I'll give you a brief overview of everything happening up until break...
The two weeks of school before break were what we call "Thayer weeks" - weeks filled with tests, quizzes, papers, and lots of stress. For example, I had about 3 WPRs, two HUGE papers, and more. I didn't even have it that bad, though. There were others who had it much worse. However, on top of my school work, I had my APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). Now, in the army, you just have to pass this test. In West Point, they grade you on it. I was really nervous about this because my push-ups were horrible up until this point and I hadn't even done a sit-up in forever and all I did for running was what we did in practice (which was mostly sprints - not the kind of training you want for a two mile run). To say the least, I was quite anxious, as were most of my teammates. However, when it came to testing time, I managed to pump out 92 push-ups, 79 sit-ups, and a 13:59 two mile. Unfortunately, the two-mile is what kept me from getting a 322 (An A). You see, if you want to have a max score, you have to max everything. I maxed sit-ups by one, push-ups by a lot, and I didn't max the run, so, instead, my score ended up being a 286. I must say, though, that I was quite pleased after only expecting a 250ish score.
After those two intense weeks, we had PPW (Plebe Parent Weekend). It was actually a blast. All the upperclassmen left on Friday, and plebes had reign over campus. It actually kinda stunk because we lost 2 and a half days of spring leave, but we survived. It was good, though. My mom came up with her parents and we had a good time. They got to see my classrooms, Arvin (the best place at West Point), and my barracks. Saturday night we had our PPW Banquet. It was pretty sweet. One of my good friends, Courtney, even agreed to be my date for the night even after being sick the week leading up to the banquet (and still recovering at that time) and being exhausted from her sister's bridal shower earlier that day. I got to introduce her and my mom to many of my friends that they had heard about, but they can now put a name with a face. I had a really good time, but the best part was the next morning when we got to go home!!
Sunday, I don't really even remember. We dropped Courtney off, and I don't even remember the rest. I think I just relaxed and hung out with my family. I needed the recovery. Monday, I took my sister out of school early for a little shopping/movie date. It was a lot of fun going around with her when we both had some money to spend. It actually made it enjoyable, rather than the window shopping we usually do. I also got to hang out (till one in the morning) with one of my buddies from highschool. We took a late night golf-cart ride, hit up some cherry slushies, watched some movies - just like old times. Tuesday, I just hung out at home until we went to some family friends' house for dinner and some games. After that I headed over to my second favorite place to be while I'm home, the Swingle's house. I actually hit up there place three times this week. (for those who don't know, this is Courtney's family). We just hung out and caught up. Wednesday my mom and I went to Perkin's for breakfast (AMAZING!), and then headed out to knock out some more shopping. This was probably the best day of shopping ever; my mom and I went to pick up my long awaited handgun. I went to get a Walther P22 (yeah, James Bond getting a Walther), but I ended up getting a much better one for just a little more. I got a Browning Buckmark .22LR. I have been wanting a handgun for the longest time, especially with the pending ban. I'm stoked. Anyway, I'll touch more on that in just a second. Wednesday night my mom's brother and his daughter came up. We just hung out and had an incredible steak dinner. Thursday we went ice skating with him at the Ice Box (check out the video below). It was a lot of fun, my younger brother and cousin learned how to skate, and they both did an amazing job! (They were even using single-blades.) That night we played a little Mario Kart on the Wii, watched transformers, and crashed. He left early Friday morning, and all I was doing was anticipating going shooting with Mr. Swingle and Bryan later that day. I got to shoot my Buckmark, and I absolutely loved it. I'm still working on my consistency, but I guess its pretty accurate. I also got to shoot Mr. Swingle's .17. That is one amazing rifle. I'm actually checking one out right now. (Which my mom isn't too keen on.) But anyway, we shot for a while, and then headed into the warmth of the house and the smell of Tacos. We ate, hung out, and then watched "Enemy of the State." Saturday was a day spent with Isaac. He was at school 4 days this week, and he is usually only there for three, so I didn't get much time with him. So, all day Saturday I chilled with him. We built forts, shot Nerf guns, built a train track, played football, helped ride his bike, and tons more. It was awesome. That night, I headed over to the Swingle's house agian. Played some games (yeah, I know more Disney trivia than I thought), chekced out the stars, which were amazing last night, and talked for a long time.
It was a fantastic week, but I am somewhat ready to go back. I need to get back in shape after eating all of the food I ate this week. My buddy Standley and I plan on getting up at 0530 and working out pretty much every morning. He's already in great shape, and I'm trying to work on my cardio. Again, I had an awesome time, and I love being home. Sometimes I feel like I could definitely get used to it again. But I know that God is using me and is going to use me in ways that I don't understand.
One more thing I'd like to highlight. While I was talking to my friend this weekend, she said something that got me thinking. I really don't remember just what she said, it was more of the whole conversation. I basically started thinking about this past year. I have probably struggled more than I ever have before, and I have fallen way too many times. But I am learning so much about God's grace and mercy, and I believe that God is using this year, my first year away from the protection of my home, to strengthen the foundations of what I believe and to use my experiences (some that I am not incredibly proud of) to shape and mold me.
If you want to pray for me, here are a few things that I am struggling with/working on. Please pray that I can maintain a consistent quiet time. Please pray that I make Godly decisions so that my actions may portray Christ's love that my classmates may see a difference in my life. Please pray for my attitudes and motivation concerning my life as a West Point cadet as I try to see how God wants me to use this experience to be a witness for Him and to grow, instead of being cynical towards it (as it is so easy to get caught up in). Please pray that I guard my heart and mind from the many things that are constantly thrown at me.
Alright, so this time, I'll try to post a little earlier. I definitely don't want to get nagged again. This coming week will be interesting as I get back into the routine, but it'll be fine. I'll be home in three weeks again for Bryan & Katie's wedding (which will be amazing!).
It was my uncle's idea...
**"Stop telling God what He already knows! Somebody ask Him for something!"** ~ Ed Underwood
I'm on my last day of Spring Break. Where has all the time gone!?! I'm just about to head off to church at 0915 and I'm leaving at 1500. I have had an amazing break. I know I haven't written in a while, so I'll give you a brief overview of everything happening up until break...
The two weeks of school before break were what we call "Thayer weeks" - weeks filled with tests, quizzes, papers, and lots of stress. For example, I had about 3 WPRs, two HUGE papers, and more. I didn't even have it that bad, though. There were others who had it much worse. However, on top of my school work, I had my APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). Now, in the army, you just have to pass this test. In West Point, they grade you on it. I was really nervous about this because my push-ups were horrible up until this point and I hadn't even done a sit-up in forever and all I did for running was what we did in practice (which was mostly sprints - not the kind of training you want for a two mile run). To say the least, I was quite anxious, as were most of my teammates. However, when it came to testing time, I managed to pump out 92 push-ups, 79 sit-ups, and a 13:59 two mile. Unfortunately, the two-mile is what kept me from getting a 322 (An A). You see, if you want to have a max score, you have to max everything. I maxed sit-ups by one, push-ups by a lot, and I didn't max the run, so, instead, my score ended up being a 286. I must say, though, that I was quite pleased after only expecting a 250ish score.
After those two intense weeks, we had PPW (Plebe Parent Weekend). It was actually a blast. All the upperclassmen left on Friday, and plebes had reign over campus. It actually kinda stunk because we lost 2 and a half days of spring leave, but we survived. It was good, though. My mom came up with her parents and we had a good time. They got to see my classrooms, Arvin (the best place at West Point), and my barracks. Saturday night we had our PPW Banquet. It was pretty sweet. One of my good friends, Courtney, even agreed to be my date for the night even after being sick the week leading up to the banquet (and still recovering at that time) and being exhausted from her sister's bridal shower earlier that day. I got to introduce her and my mom to many of my friends that they had heard about, but they can now put a name with a face. I had a really good time, but the best part was the next morning when we got to go home!!
Sunday, I don't really even remember. We dropped Courtney off, and I don't even remember the rest. I think I just relaxed and hung out with my family. I needed the recovery. Monday, I took my sister out of school early for a little shopping/movie date. It was a lot of fun going around with her when we both had some money to spend. It actually made it enjoyable, rather than the window shopping we usually do. I also got to hang out (till one in the morning) with one of my buddies from highschool. We took a late night golf-cart ride, hit up some cherry slushies, watched some movies - just like old times. Tuesday, I just hung out at home until we went to some family friends' house for dinner and some games. After that I headed over to my second favorite place to be while I'm home, the Swingle's house. I actually hit up there place three times this week. (for those who don't know, this is Courtney's family). We just hung out and caught up. Wednesday my mom and I went to Perkin's for breakfast (AMAZING!), and then headed out to knock out some more shopping. This was probably the best day of shopping ever; my mom and I went to pick up my long awaited handgun. I went to get a Walther P22 (yeah, James Bond getting a Walther), but I ended up getting a much better one for just a little more. I got a Browning Buckmark .22LR. I have been wanting a handgun for the longest time, especially with the pending ban. I'm stoked. Anyway, I'll touch more on that in just a second. Wednesday night my mom's brother and his daughter came up. We just hung out and had an incredible steak dinner. Thursday we went ice skating with him at the Ice Box (check out the video below). It was a lot of fun, my younger brother and cousin learned how to skate, and they both did an amazing job! (They were even using single-blades.) That night we played a little Mario Kart on the Wii, watched transformers, and crashed. He left early Friday morning, and all I was doing was anticipating going shooting with Mr. Swingle and Bryan later that day. I got to shoot my Buckmark, and I absolutely loved it. I'm still working on my consistency, but I guess its pretty accurate. I also got to shoot Mr. Swingle's .17. That is one amazing rifle. I'm actually checking one out right now. (Which my mom isn't too keen on.) But anyway, we shot for a while, and then headed into the warmth of the house and the smell of Tacos. We ate, hung out, and then watched "Enemy of the State." Saturday was a day spent with Isaac. He was at school 4 days this week, and he is usually only there for three, so I didn't get much time with him. So, all day Saturday I chilled with him. We built forts, shot Nerf guns, built a train track, played football, helped ride his bike, and tons more. It was awesome. That night, I headed over to the Swingle's house agian. Played some games (yeah, I know more Disney trivia than I thought), chekced out the stars, which were amazing last night, and talked for a long time.
It was a fantastic week, but I am somewhat ready to go back. I need to get back in shape after eating all of the food I ate this week. My buddy Standley and I plan on getting up at 0530 and working out pretty much every morning. He's already in great shape, and I'm trying to work on my cardio. Again, I had an awesome time, and I love being home. Sometimes I feel like I could definitely get used to it again. But I know that God is using me and is going to use me in ways that I don't understand.
One more thing I'd like to highlight. While I was talking to my friend this weekend, she said something that got me thinking. I really don't remember just what she said, it was more of the whole conversation. I basically started thinking about this past year. I have probably struggled more than I ever have before, and I have fallen way too many times. But I am learning so much about God's grace and mercy, and I believe that God is using this year, my first year away from the protection of my home, to strengthen the foundations of what I believe and to use my experiences (some that I am not incredibly proud of) to shape and mold me.
If you want to pray for me, here are a few things that I am struggling with/working on. Please pray that I can maintain a consistent quiet time. Please pray that I make Godly decisions so that my actions may portray Christ's love that my classmates may see a difference in my life. Please pray for my attitudes and motivation concerning my life as a West Point cadet as I try to see how God wants me to use this experience to be a witness for Him and to grow, instead of being cynical towards it (as it is so easy to get caught up in). Please pray that I guard my heart and mind from the many things that are constantly thrown at me.
Alright, so this time, I'll try to post a little earlier. I definitely don't want to get nagged again. This coming week will be interesting as I get back into the routine, but it'll be fine. I'll be home in three weeks again for Bryan & Katie's wedding (which will be amazing!).
It was my uncle's idea...
**"Stop telling God what He already knows! Somebody ask Him for something!"** ~ Ed Underwood
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Busy Week...
Wow. I haven't posted in ten days. I have been quite busy with school and other activities.
Last weekend, many of you know that I went home. I had my buddy pick me up here at West Point, and I came back to surprise my family. However, they were not home, so I hung out with my buddy for a while, and then we decided to go break into my house. We got in, I grabbed my keys and took the car. That was awesome. It was like old times (not that we've broken into other houses, we've just done some crazy stuff together).
Anyway, so I got to surprise my family and friends. It was great; I love to do stuff like that... I loved seeing everybody after being gone for about two months. I played with my brother a lot, as well as our two, rapidly growing puppies. I even helped my mom at puppy kindergarten on Saturday morning, which is not fun at all! My dog doesn't listen to me. Later that day, I went to give blood at a blood drive held at my school in my dad's honor. It was pretty neat.
I also went spent time with some other very close friends while I was home. I got to build a huge fort with some of the younger members of the family, play games (UNO Flash, one of the best games ever!), and stay up late talking. Sunday, after church and Chinese with Mom and Isaac, we headed back. It stunk to say goodbye, but now I only have two more weeks till I get to see everybody again. Spring Break, baby!!!!
This week went well. I was REALLY busy with academics, as I will be these next two weeks as well. I have three WPRs, and two papers due in the next two weeks, so I won't have much free time. It is okay, though, at least I'm not bored. I am still doing fairly well acadmically. Some of my classes I have to work a little harder in, but I'll pull it off. If you think about it, please pray for me these next weeks as I sacrifice my sleep for studying and extra work.
I had a great week spiritually this week. I read my Bible everyday, and I even got to meet with my "spiritual mentor." We met on Tuesday, and we went through the Bridge Illustration, but a much more indepth version. it was really neat. I was also doing some research online about the Navigators (the conference I went to two weekends ago). I found an article on praying the anmes and attributes of God. Basically, what it entails is thirty days of praying, each day focused on a different attribute of God. Its really neat, and I think its something that I am going to do. I also have been working on some memory verses. Right now I am working on Galatians 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." I know that I used to memorize about 3-5 verses a week for quizzes, but I really think that the majority of verses I learned were for the grade, not for my growth. So, now, I am trying to change my motivation, or rather, God has changed it to what it should be for me, because I am now challenged to know the Word so that I may teach it (as Jesus Christ exemplified). If anyone wants the list of verses I am memorizing, I can email you the link. They are verses that tie to certain illustrations the Navigators use in discipleship.
I also had my birthday this week, and let me tell you, birthday's here STINK! It was an alrite day, but it was just like any other. Thankfully, a family friend who is a firstie here heard it was my birthday, and she treated me to dinner. That was probably the highlight of my day. Tomorrow, my family is coming up to celebrate (and tomorrow is my sister's birthday). We are going to go to church and then out to eat. I can't wait to see them again. Even though it has only been a week. So, now, my sister is 15, and I am 19. Only two more years for me!! Then I am 21, and that means....I choose not to drink even though its legal. I guess I don't have as much hype for 21 as everybody else here does.
Well, I have to go run concessions at a Varsity Lacrosse game vs. Cornell. That is one of the glories of being a plebe and Corps Squad. Corps Squad has to run concessions for other Corps Squad teams, and the plebes are usually the ones stuck doing it. Oh well, it'll be fun. I'll try to post a little sooner this week.
Remember Joshua 1:8 this week!
Last weekend, many of you know that I went home. I had my buddy pick me up here at West Point, and I came back to surprise my family. However, they were not home, so I hung out with my buddy for a while, and then we decided to go break into my house. We got in, I grabbed my keys and took the car. That was awesome. It was like old times (not that we've broken into other houses, we've just done some crazy stuff together).
Anyway, so I got to surprise my family and friends. It was great; I love to do stuff like that... I loved seeing everybody after being gone for about two months. I played with my brother a lot, as well as our two, rapidly growing puppies. I even helped my mom at puppy kindergarten on Saturday morning, which is not fun at all! My dog doesn't listen to me. Later that day, I went to give blood at a blood drive held at my school in my dad's honor. It was pretty neat.
I also went spent time with some other very close friends while I was home. I got to build a huge fort with some of the younger members of the family, play games (UNO Flash, one of the best games ever!), and stay up late talking. Sunday, after church and Chinese with Mom and Isaac, we headed back. It stunk to say goodbye, but now I only have two more weeks till I get to see everybody again. Spring Break, baby!!!!
This week went well. I was REALLY busy with academics, as I will be these next two weeks as well. I have three WPRs, and two papers due in the next two weeks, so I won't have much free time. It is okay, though, at least I'm not bored. I am still doing fairly well acadmically. Some of my classes I have to work a little harder in, but I'll pull it off. If you think about it, please pray for me these next weeks as I sacrifice my sleep for studying and extra work.
I had a great week spiritually this week. I read my Bible everyday, and I even got to meet with my "spiritual mentor." We met on Tuesday, and we went through the Bridge Illustration, but a much more indepth version. it was really neat. I was also doing some research online about the Navigators (the conference I went to two weekends ago). I found an article on praying the anmes and attributes of God. Basically, what it entails is thirty days of praying, each day focused on a different attribute of God. Its really neat, and I think its something that I am going to do. I also have been working on some memory verses. Right now I am working on Galatians 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." I know that I used to memorize about 3-5 verses a week for quizzes, but I really think that the majority of verses I learned were for the grade, not for my growth. So, now, I am trying to change my motivation, or rather, God has changed it to what it should be for me, because I am now challenged to know the Word so that I may teach it (as Jesus Christ exemplified). If anyone wants the list of verses I am memorizing, I can email you the link. They are verses that tie to certain illustrations the Navigators use in discipleship.
I also had my birthday this week, and let me tell you, birthday's here STINK! It was an alrite day, but it was just like any other. Thankfully, a family friend who is a firstie here heard it was my birthday, and she treated me to dinner. That was probably the highlight of my day. Tomorrow, my family is coming up to celebrate (and tomorrow is my sister's birthday). We are going to go to church and then out to eat. I can't wait to see them again. Even though it has only been a week. So, now, my sister is 15, and I am 19. Only two more years for me!! Then I am 21, and that means....I choose not to drink even though its legal. I guess I don't have as much hype for 21 as everybody else here does.
Well, I have to go run concessions at a Varsity Lacrosse game vs. Cornell. That is one of the glories of being a plebe and Corps Squad. Corps Squad has to run concessions for other Corps Squad teams, and the plebes are usually the ones stuck doing it. Oh well, it'll be fun. I'll try to post a little sooner this week.
Remember Joshua 1:8 this week!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's better to be single wishing you were married than married wishing you were single...
That is just one thing I learned from this past weekend at the All Army Navigators Conference. It was amazing. I met some amazing men of God from Army posts all across the US (including one guy from Germany), I was challenged in many areas of my life, and I had a lot of fun, as well. Here is some evidence...
The tubing was awesome. The path was all ice, so it made for super-fast sliding and easy bruising. It was well worth it. One of the times, we loaded four guys onto an old base of one of those small sailboat and rode that down. It was great until it turned sideways and threw us all off! We did some pretty stupid stuff, but it was all well worth it (and we're still alive and in one piece).
I spent some time with some awesome guys on the trip. It was awesome to finally meet some guys from West Point that share the same faith I do, and desire to live it out. That was such a blessing. The first night, the guys in our room shared how we each came to know Christ and how that got us where we were today. It was amazing to hear the different backgrounds of some the guys and how God worked with them and through them to make them into who they are.
**It is going to be really hard to write about everything that happened this weekend, but I will give you a general overview, and if you want to know more, I'll have to talk to you in person.
I met some great men of faith who challenged me right from the moment they spoke to me. I had one guy come and sit down next to me and right away asked me "So, how many days have you done your Quiet Time in the last 30 days?" Ouch, that one hurt. However, after I answered, ashamed at my response, he immediately opened the Bible and further exhorted and encourage me. This was only one instance this weekend where I was exhorted, but I needed it.]
There were also many meetings and workshops that I was able to attend. The main focus on the retreat was on Spiritual Generations and the need for discipleship. As I listened to these men talk about those they have discipled, and just observing how great their understand of the Bible was, I realized how much I wanted to be like that. To know the Bible so well, to have a wealth of verses memorized and flowing from my mouth in everyday conversation, and to be able to disciple someone to the point of being able to say what Paul said, "Follow me, as I have followed Christ." It was humbling and challenging at the same time.
I posted the title I did because of an incredible workshop I attended. It was called "Man, Mission, Mate." We looked at Genesis 2:4-24, and how God first created man, then he gave him his mission, and lastly his mate (helper). This really meant a lot to me because I so often think about how in the world I am going to be able to fit marriage into my lifestyle, but I was reminded that I don't need to worry about that. Before I even think about that, I need to be developing myself as a man - physically, emotionally, socially, and, most of all, spiritually - and seeking the mission God has for me in life. Concerning my mission, we are all given a general and specific mission. Everyone's general mission is in Matt 28:19-20 (making disciples), and until God reveals to me my specific mission in life, I need to be concentrating on my general mission. I need to do these two things, man and mission, before I even think about a mate. Even though I don't really like the sound of that, I know that is what I need to be doing, and what I am doing.
Besides the messages, conversations, and such, I also found some time to play some dodgeball, basketball, wrestle a little, and go tubing down the hill at furious speeds. It was an amazing weekend. I know it may be hard to understand everything I talked about because I was kinda all over the place, but bear with me.
We got back Monday night, and my week has started again. I received back some major graded events on Tuesday and was elated at the outcomes (a LOT better than I was expecting). I also had a Psychology test yesterday. Today isn't too bad. I only have two classes and then a briefing tonight, after practice. I'm already pretty exhausted, but at least this week is short.
Well, I think it is time for me to get back to some homework. But before I do, here are just a few more memories from this weekend...
The tubing was awesome. The path was all ice, so it made for super-fast sliding and easy bruising. It was well worth it. One of the times, we loaded four guys onto an old base of one of those small sailboat and rode that down. It was great until it turned sideways and threw us all off! We did some pretty stupid stuff, but it was all well worth it (and we're still alive and in one piece).
I spent some time with some awesome guys on the trip. It was awesome to finally meet some guys from West Point that share the same faith I do, and desire to live it out. That was such a blessing. The first night, the guys in our room shared how we each came to know Christ and how that got us where we were today. It was amazing to hear the different backgrounds of some the guys and how God worked with them and through them to make them into who they are.
**It is going to be really hard to write about everything that happened this weekend, but I will give you a general overview, and if you want to know more, I'll have to talk to you in person.
I met some great men of faith who challenged me right from the moment they spoke to me. I had one guy come and sit down next to me and right away asked me "So, how many days have you done your Quiet Time in the last 30 days?" Ouch, that one hurt. However, after I answered, ashamed at my response, he immediately opened the Bible and further exhorted and encourage me. This was only one instance this weekend where I was exhorted, but I needed it.]
There were also many meetings and workshops that I was able to attend. The main focus on the retreat was on Spiritual Generations and the need for discipleship. As I listened to these men talk about those they have discipled, and just observing how great their understand of the Bible was, I realized how much I wanted to be like that. To know the Bible so well, to have a wealth of verses memorized and flowing from my mouth in everyday conversation, and to be able to disciple someone to the point of being able to say what Paul said, "Follow me, as I have followed Christ." It was humbling and challenging at the same time.
I posted the title I did because of an incredible workshop I attended. It was called "Man, Mission, Mate." We looked at Genesis 2:4-24, and how God first created man, then he gave him his mission, and lastly his mate (helper). This really meant a lot to me because I so often think about how in the world I am going to be able to fit marriage into my lifestyle, but I was reminded that I don't need to worry about that. Before I even think about that, I need to be developing myself as a man - physically, emotionally, socially, and, most of all, spiritually - and seeking the mission God has for me in life. Concerning my mission, we are all given a general and specific mission. Everyone's general mission is in Matt 28:19-20 (making disciples), and until God reveals to me my specific mission in life, I need to be concentrating on my general mission. I need to do these two things, man and mission, before I even think about a mate. Even though I don't really like the sound of that, I know that is what I need to be doing, and what I am doing.
Besides the messages, conversations, and such, I also found some time to play some dodgeball, basketball, wrestle a little, and go tubing down the hill at furious speeds. It was an amazing weekend. I know it may be hard to understand everything I talked about because I was kinda all over the place, but bear with me.
We got back Monday night, and my week has started again. I received back some major graded events on Tuesday and was elated at the outcomes (a LOT better than I was expecting). I also had a Psychology test yesterday. Today isn't too bad. I only have two classes and then a briefing tonight, after practice. I'm already pretty exhausted, but at least this week is short.
Well, I think it is time for me to get back to some homework. But before I do, here are just a few more memories from this weekend...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Almost there...
Hey, what's going on everyone? I'm midway through my week, and I'm almost there...the weekend that is. A THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! I'm going to Camp Pinnacle to a Navigator's Conference. I'm so excited!! However, I still have to focus on finishing up this week strong.
So far this week has gone really well. I got my results back on my CH102 WPR, and I got a 97! I was ecstatic. I also got my Prelim 1 paper back from my AP teacher, I got a B, which I am more than happy about. I was so nervous about that paper. Now, I have an even bigger one coming up due the beginning of March. Tomorrow I have my first WPR in MA104. That's a little nerve-wracking. I understand most of the material, but I'm just hoping I still understand when it is front of me on the test. I've been studying for it earlier tonite, and I'm about to get back to it soon. It's a funny thing here. I also have a AP Lab during the time I was supposed to take my WPR, and guess what takes precedence? The Lab! So I now have to take it earlier in the morning, instead of in the afternoon. Oh well, I'll live.
Last night I had my OCF small group. It ended up only being 3 of us, the small group leader and then another one of my buddies. It was good, though. We talked through John 6, and about the New Covenant. We noticed that Christ says four times in that passage (do you think that's enough emphasis?) that we are CHOSEN by God. We did not choose Him, it was not our will. He chose us. That is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. It's humbling, especially after you think about everything wrong you've ever done in your life, and still, a perfect and holy God chose you and me. This just got me even more pumped for this weekend. I can't wait to be spiritually renewed and revived, and have some fun on the side!
This part is for those who actually care about working out. I do, so this is my story of this week, so far... The Sprint workouts have become more intense. We added ladders and boxes (plyos baby!), as well as the usual sprints. I'm actually kinda exhausted, scratch that, I am exhausted at the end. It's a great feeling, though. Some of you know what I am referring to - the lactic acid build up in your legs, the feeling like you can't breathe, you can barely walk and you feel as if your knees are going to collapse. I don't know about you, but that is one GOOD feeling. Even better than that...I reached a new max of bench. It was actually pretty intresting. Some of you may remember when I was trying to break 200, and how long that took me and how bad I wanted it. Well, this was a little accidental. I was doing my normal routine. I warm up with 135, repping 6 times. I bumped it up to 185, repping 6 times again. I wanted to push myself this day, so I decided to put it up to 205, which I have only repped 3 times previously and preceded to do so this time. I told my partner, "Alright man, I wanna go for it, 225". So we loaded on the 2 45s to each side and I told him I wanted to pound out 1 and do a negative. So I pounded out 2 and negatived the last one. So, again, I was like, I'm feeling good, lets bump this up 30 lbs. So, we slapped that on there and I got one rep. I was still feeling great, and I just told my partner, I'm going for it man, 2 45s and a 25 to each side, 275 lbs! I said I just wanted to do a negative, but I brought it down, I felt good, and I pounded it up!! I was so psyched. I had so much adrenaline pumping and I was going crazy. I had never even tried to lift over 215 before. It was a good feeling. Now some of you may be thinking I'm bragging...well, maybe just a little bit. I'm more excited that anything. Don't worry, though, I was quickly humbled when my lifting partner took me over to squats...I STINK at squats. It was a great day, though.
Alright, I think its time for me to get back to studying. Hopefully I'll be able to write this weekend, but I don't know if I am taking my laptop to the retreat. I'll post again when I get back, though. Continue to pursue God and know Him more. I know I am, and its insane!
So far this week has gone really well. I got my results back on my CH102 WPR, and I got a 97! I was ecstatic. I also got my Prelim 1 paper back from my AP teacher, I got a B, which I am more than happy about. I was so nervous about that paper. Now, I have an even bigger one coming up due the beginning of March. Tomorrow I have my first WPR in MA104. That's a little nerve-wracking. I understand most of the material, but I'm just hoping I still understand when it is front of me on the test. I've been studying for it earlier tonite, and I'm about to get back to it soon. It's a funny thing here. I also have a AP Lab during the time I was supposed to take my WPR, and guess what takes precedence? The Lab! So I now have to take it earlier in the morning, instead of in the afternoon. Oh well, I'll live.
Last night I had my OCF small group. It ended up only being 3 of us, the small group leader and then another one of my buddies. It was good, though. We talked through John 6, and about the New Covenant. We noticed that Christ says four times in that passage (do you think that's enough emphasis?) that we are CHOSEN by God. We did not choose Him, it was not our will. He chose us. That is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. It's humbling, especially after you think about everything wrong you've ever done in your life, and still, a perfect and holy God chose you and me. This just got me even more pumped for this weekend. I can't wait to be spiritually renewed and revived, and have some fun on the side!
This part is for those who actually care about working out. I do, so this is my story of this week, so far... The Sprint workouts have become more intense. We added ladders and boxes (plyos baby!), as well as the usual sprints. I'm actually kinda exhausted, scratch that, I am exhausted at the end. It's a great feeling, though. Some of you know what I am referring to - the lactic acid build up in your legs, the feeling like you can't breathe, you can barely walk and you feel as if your knees are going to collapse. I don't know about you, but that is one GOOD feeling. Even better than that...I reached a new max of bench. It was actually pretty intresting. Some of you may remember when I was trying to break 200, and how long that took me and how bad I wanted it. Well, this was a little accidental. I was doing my normal routine. I warm up with 135, repping 6 times. I bumped it up to 185, repping 6 times again. I wanted to push myself this day, so I decided to put it up to 205, which I have only repped 3 times previously and preceded to do so this time. I told my partner, "Alright man, I wanna go for it, 225". So we loaded on the 2 45s to each side and I told him I wanted to pound out 1 and do a negative. So I pounded out 2 and negatived the last one. So, again, I was like, I'm feeling good, lets bump this up 30 lbs. So, we slapped that on there and I got one rep. I was still feeling great, and I just told my partner, I'm going for it man, 2 45s and a 25 to each side, 275 lbs! I said I just wanted to do a negative, but I brought it down, I felt good, and I pounded it up!! I was so psyched. I had so much adrenaline pumping and I was going crazy. I had never even tried to lift over 215 before. It was a good feeling. Now some of you may be thinking I'm bragging...well, maybe just a little bit. I'm more excited that anything. Don't worry, though, I was quickly humbled when my lifting partner took me over to squats...I STINK at squats. It was a great day, though.
Alright, I think its time for me to get back to studying. Hopefully I'll be able to write this weekend, but I don't know if I am taking my laptop to the retreat. I'll post again when I get back, though. Continue to pursue God and know Him more. I know I am, and its insane!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I am exhausted after a long week...
This week was quite busy with academics, sprint football practice, and then a busy weekend. Academics: I had a huge test called a WPR (Written Partial Review) in Chemistry on Friday. I believe I did really well, but we'll see on Tuesday. I spent a lot of time studying for that test, and I thought it was pretty easy, but that means nothing here. That can still get you a failing grade. I also had a Writ in AP (Politics). It was worth 150 points, and only four questions. That can spell disaster, but as long as you have a good understanding of the material, you can do well. I'll find that score out this week as well. For my military movement class, we did rock climbing this week. I loved it. We have a 70 ft wall in Arvin, and we just fooled around and learned some techniques doing boulder problems (staying under 12ft). On Friday, I started working for my Level 2 certification by going to climb with my roommate from last semester (who's on the Mountaineering Team). He showed me some things, and I belayed him while he climbed to the top of the wall, and then I climbed to the top. It was a blast. I plan to finish up my certification as soon as I can.
Sprint: We are still doing basic lifts and speed and agility training. I am back to where I was with benching before I left last semester. I'm pretty pshyched about that, because now I plan to increase as much as I possibly can before the Spring Conditioning. Squats, however, I had to decrease a lot of weight so I could work on my form (which is horrible). I also am weighing in WELL over the weight limit we are supposed to have during the season. I have plenty of time to cut weight, but I'd rather not weight as much as I do now anyway. I am weighing about 187 lbs (compared to the 175 I weighed after Beast) right now, and 172 lbs is the league weight. I do not want to starve myself duing the season to make weight, so I have begun to run and bike more. Oh well, you win some..you lose some. Oh yeah, I'm not fat either!
I went to OCF this week on Tuesday, but I missed Bible Study this morning. I slept through my alarm for the second time. I have to get a new one that annoys me even more. I did make it to church, though, and I listened to a really great message on 2 Timothy 2:22. I would provide you with more about the message, but I actually left my Bible in my mom's car, but I can tell you that I need to turn my focus away from those things that are fleeting or vain, and pursue things that are for a more eternal value.
Speaking of my mom's car...she came up this weekend!!! First, on Saturday, my friend and her parents came up. They wanted to see West Point, so they went to the museum in town, and then I gave them a personal tour of post. I had a good time, but I'll let them speak for themselves. Today, as I've said already, my mom came with my sister and brother. It was great. She picked me up, we headed to Grace, and then went out to eat at the traditional place. It was awesome to see them after not having seen them since I left. I've been really busy doing homework most weekends, so I enjoyed having a break this weekend. If anybody who is reading this would like to come up and see me, feel free. Just let me know, and I'll let you know if I'm available. I love visitors, when I actually have the chance to escape.
I had some heartbreak this week. Concerning my summer schedule and getting caught up with classes, I had formulated a plan of attack in my mind, but it was foiled this week when I found out I had been misinformed. It was devastating. I had a mental breakdown that afternoon, but the next day I recovered. It wasn't so much that it wouldn't work, is more that I overlooked a minute detail and set myself up for the disappointment. However, I am in the process of formulating a new plan. I will you updated on what happens after I talk to my contacts.
I've realized I need to begin writing in the middle of the week, because my post is quite lengthy, and I'm not even remembering everything that happened at the beginning of the week.
This week is going to be another hectic week. I didn't do very well at getting to bed at a decent time last week, and I don't know how well that'll go this week. I have a huge WPR in calculus on Thursday, and I am no where near prepared. Every other subject I just have the normal amount (a lot!) of work.
Spiritually: I struggled this week. I sacrificed my quiet time for extra sleep, and, as I've said already, I missed Bible study this morning. I would appreciate your prayers as I get myself back into shape spiritually. My goal is to read 5 chapters a day (which is what I had been doing), and I also have another devotional I'm going through. It's not too hard, I just need to wake up that 15 or 20 minutes earlier to do it. I did have some spiritual victories this week, too. I was having a hard time in a decision I had to make, a course of action. It was a pull between my flesh and what I knew was right, and I, definitely NOT in my own strength, made the right decision. I also had a good talk with my roommate about why I do and don't do some things. This isn't the first time I've had this discussion; it actually comes up frequently, so please pray for him as well.
It's time for me to get ready for accountability formation. Until next time...
This week was quite busy with academics, sprint football practice, and then a busy weekend. Academics: I had a huge test called a WPR (Written Partial Review) in Chemistry on Friday. I believe I did really well, but we'll see on Tuesday. I spent a lot of time studying for that test, and I thought it was pretty easy, but that means nothing here. That can still get you a failing grade. I also had a Writ in AP (Politics). It was worth 150 points, and only four questions. That can spell disaster, but as long as you have a good understanding of the material, you can do well. I'll find that score out this week as well. For my military movement class, we did rock climbing this week. I loved it. We have a 70 ft wall in Arvin, and we just fooled around and learned some techniques doing boulder problems (staying under 12ft). On Friday, I started working for my Level 2 certification by going to climb with my roommate from last semester (who's on the Mountaineering Team). He showed me some things, and I belayed him while he climbed to the top of the wall, and then I climbed to the top. It was a blast. I plan to finish up my certification as soon as I can.
Sprint: We are still doing basic lifts and speed and agility training. I am back to where I was with benching before I left last semester. I'm pretty pshyched about that, because now I plan to increase as much as I possibly can before the Spring Conditioning. Squats, however, I had to decrease a lot of weight so I could work on my form (which is horrible). I also am weighing in WELL over the weight limit we are supposed to have during the season. I have plenty of time to cut weight, but I'd rather not weight as much as I do now anyway. I am weighing about 187 lbs (compared to the 175 I weighed after Beast) right now, and 172 lbs is the league weight. I do not want to starve myself duing the season to make weight, so I have begun to run and bike more. Oh well, you win some..you lose some. Oh yeah, I'm not fat either!
I went to OCF this week on Tuesday, but I missed Bible Study this morning. I slept through my alarm for the second time. I have to get a new one that annoys me even more. I did make it to church, though, and I listened to a really great message on 2 Timothy 2:22. I would provide you with more about the message, but I actually left my Bible in my mom's car, but I can tell you that I need to turn my focus away from those things that are fleeting or vain, and pursue things that are for a more eternal value.
Speaking of my mom's car...she came up this weekend!!! First, on Saturday, my friend and her parents came up. They wanted to see West Point, so they went to the museum in town, and then I gave them a personal tour of post. I had a good time, but I'll let them speak for themselves. Today, as I've said already, my mom came with my sister and brother. It was great. She picked me up, we headed to Grace, and then went out to eat at the traditional place. It was awesome to see them after not having seen them since I left. I've been really busy doing homework most weekends, so I enjoyed having a break this weekend. If anybody who is reading this would like to come up and see me, feel free. Just let me know, and I'll let you know if I'm available. I love visitors, when I actually have the chance to escape.
I had some heartbreak this week. Concerning my summer schedule and getting caught up with classes, I had formulated a plan of attack in my mind, but it was foiled this week when I found out I had been misinformed. It was devastating. I had a mental breakdown that afternoon, but the next day I recovered. It wasn't so much that it wouldn't work, is more that I overlooked a minute detail and set myself up for the disappointment. However, I am in the process of formulating a new plan. I will you updated on what happens after I talk to my contacts.
I've realized I need to begin writing in the middle of the week, because my post is quite lengthy, and I'm not even remembering everything that happened at the beginning of the week.
This week is going to be another hectic week. I didn't do very well at getting to bed at a decent time last week, and I don't know how well that'll go this week. I have a huge WPR in calculus on Thursday, and I am no where near prepared. Every other subject I just have the normal amount (a lot!) of work.
Spiritually: I struggled this week. I sacrificed my quiet time for extra sleep, and, as I've said already, I missed Bible study this morning. I would appreciate your prayers as I get myself back into shape spiritually. My goal is to read 5 chapters a day (which is what I had been doing), and I also have another devotional I'm going through. It's not too hard, I just need to wake up that 15 or 20 minutes earlier to do it. I did have some spiritual victories this week, too. I was having a hard time in a decision I had to make, a course of action. It was a pull between my flesh and what I knew was right, and I, definitely NOT in my own strength, made the right decision. I also had a good talk with my roommate about why I do and don't do some things. This isn't the first time I've had this discussion; it actually comes up frequently, so please pray for him as well.
It's time for me to get ready for accountability formation. Until next time...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Alright, so this is my first blog, so it'll be a little long. I have created this blog so that everyone may keep up with what is going on in my life and stop waiting for my email that will never come. Basically, I will try to let you know what I have been up to lately, what God has been teaching me, and pretty much anything that I feel like putting at that particular point in time. So here it goes...
January is finally over, and I have completed three and a half weeks of my second semester at USMA. God has been amazing and working in incredible ways just through my academics since I came back on Jan. 4th. As many of you know, I have to repeat my first semester classes because of coming home last semester. However, after talking to a few of my instructors, I was able to advance in math and chemistry. That eliminates 2 of the 7 courses that I would have had to make up either during the summer or next year. Praise God!! However, I still have to go through STAP (summer school) during my first block of the summer, with FOB Buckner during second block. Right now, third block is schedule for Sprint Football PIAD, but I have to talk to my coach to see if I can do another STAP. Please keep that in your prayers as I try to knock out as many classes as possible this summer. If I can do the two sessions of STAP, I will have eliminated four more classes, leaving only one to overload next year.
Sprint is going really well right now. On Mondays and Wednesdays we are doing Speed/Agility Training, Tuesdays and Thursdays are lifts, and Fridays are Cardio. It's pretty decent right now, but after Spring Break, spring conditioning starts, and that will be another story. Lifts are pretty simple right now, just bench, squats, RDLs, power shrugs, core work, and ISO rows. They will get more complicated with spring conditioning, though, and those of you who really know me will know that I am looking forward to that!
I have started attending a new Sunday School at 0900 Sunday mornings (right before Grace Baptist Church that I attended last semester and am continuing to attend). It is pretty awesome. We are going over a study entitled "The Call to Discipleship". Right now I'm learning a new way to study the Bible using a three step process: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. First, I look at the passage, define key words using Greek or Hebrew definitions or a concordance, and observe the surrounding context. Second, I cross-reference and pick out some lessons that can be learned. Lastly, I apply it to my life. Basically, the study looks like this: "What the Bible says about being a disciple", "What discipleship means", and "How can I be a disciple". I am really enjoying it right now.
My small group leader for OCF, who is also my Sunday morning leader, invited me to a conference hosted by the Navigators (a Christian group within the Army) over President's Day weekend. I can't wait! It's a weekend filled with good food, great workshops, and I'll get to spend some time with some great men of God.
Well, it is off to work on some homework now. I want to get some done before I watch the Superbowl tonight! I am going over to my small group leader's house for the game. Yeah buddy! I will contintue to post about once a week. Please follow my blog and feel free to email me whenever. I will always read the emails, its the responding that's the problem.
January is finally over, and I have completed three and a half weeks of my second semester at USMA. God has been amazing and working in incredible ways just through my academics since I came back on Jan. 4th. As many of you know, I have to repeat my first semester classes because of coming home last semester. However, after talking to a few of my instructors, I was able to advance in math and chemistry. That eliminates 2 of the 7 courses that I would have had to make up either during the summer or next year. Praise God!! However, I still have to go through STAP (summer school) during my first block of the summer, with FOB Buckner during second block. Right now, third block is schedule for Sprint Football PIAD, but I have to talk to my coach to see if I can do another STAP. Please keep that in your prayers as I try to knock out as many classes as possible this summer. If I can do the two sessions of STAP, I will have eliminated four more classes, leaving only one to overload next year.
Sprint is going really well right now. On Mondays and Wednesdays we are doing Speed/Agility Training, Tuesdays and Thursdays are lifts, and Fridays are Cardio. It's pretty decent right now, but after Spring Break, spring conditioning starts, and that will be another story. Lifts are pretty simple right now, just bench, squats, RDLs, power shrugs, core work, and ISO rows. They will get more complicated with spring conditioning, though, and those of you who really know me will know that I am looking forward to that!
I have started attending a new Sunday School at 0900 Sunday mornings (right before Grace Baptist Church that I attended last semester and am continuing to attend). It is pretty awesome. We are going over a study entitled "The Call to Discipleship". Right now I'm learning a new way to study the Bible using a three step process: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. First, I look at the passage, define key words using Greek or Hebrew definitions or a concordance, and observe the surrounding context. Second, I cross-reference and pick out some lessons that can be learned. Lastly, I apply it to my life. Basically, the study looks like this: "What the Bible says about being a disciple", "What discipleship means", and "How can I be a disciple". I am really enjoying it right now.
My small group leader for OCF, who is also my Sunday morning leader, invited me to a conference hosted by the Navigators (a Christian group within the Army) over President's Day weekend. I can't wait! It's a weekend filled with good food, great workshops, and I'll get to spend some time with some great men of God.
Well, it is off to work on some homework now. I want to get some done before I watch the Superbowl tonight! I am going over to my small group leader's house for the game. Yeah buddy! I will contintue to post about once a week. Please follow my blog and feel free to email me whenever. I will always read the emails, its the responding that's the problem.
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